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Vision and Objectives

Vision and Objectives

Vision of College of Nursing is fostering global nursing leaders of empathy, evidence- based practice, clinical excellency. The college’s vision is congruent with the university’s educational motto of “Creativity, Development, and Service.

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인성 · 지성 · 수행력을 갖춘 글로벌 간호인재 양성


  • 인성

    윤리의식과 공감능력을 기반으로 한 인성을 지닌 간호사 (Competency in Ethics & Empathic Care)

  • 지성

    근거 기반과학적 지식을 실무에 적용할 수 있는 지성을 갖춘 간호사 (Competency in Evidence & Based Practice)

  • 수행력

    탁월한 간호실무 수행력을 갖춘 간호사 (Competency in Clinical Excellency)

  1. To understand physical, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual dimensions of human being comprehensively
  2. To achieve scientific knowledge to enhance the client’s well-being and quality of life
  3. To achieve the ability to collect, analyze, synthesize, and manage the health information
  4. To perform nursing intervention to meet the health need of the clients
  5. To achieve the ability to solve health problems of the clients based on creative, scientific, and ethical nursing knowledge
  6. To achieve the ability to feel empathy with health problems of the clients
  7. To build nursing professionalism based on legal and ethical responsibility
  8. To maximize individual potential to adapt glo-cal changes of health policy
  9. To build leadership to collaborate with other health care providers in health delivery system
  10. To contribute the development of nursing knowledge by performing scientific research